Elite Firearms Training and Cancer Alliance of Jupiter, FL have come together to start the first annual “Shoot to Kill” Cancer Charity Event at OK Corral Gun Club in Okeechobee, FL on September 12th, 2015. This first annual event includes a pistol shooting tournament and all kinds of other activities for families.

The Cancer Alliance is a charity created by a former radiation laboratory technician to help patients financially during their battles with the disease. The Cancer Alliance team works hard to raise funds that are used by patients to pay rent, food and other expenses during their treatments. Even the smallest donations help to reduce patients stress, giving them a fighting chance at beating cancer.

OK Corral Gun Club hosts charity event

Shooting Tournament

The “Shoot to Kill” Cancer shooting tournament is a team tournament that includes 4 pistol events where shooters compete based on time and # of target hits. The shooting events are being coordinated by the experienced shooting team at Elite Firearms Training and each shooting station is manned by Certified NRA Range Officers for shooter and spectator safety.

Each participating team includes 5 shooters, with each shooter donating $100 to participate in the shooting competition. Shooters also receive a free event shirt and a lunch catered by the restaurant staff at the OK Coral.

Family Activities

The first annual “Shoot to Kill” Cancer charity event includes all kinds of activities for families to enjoy making the event a full day of fun for everyone. Family events include the a radio show broadcasting from the event, a live DJ, visits by surprise celebrities, a custom car show and much, much more…
For more information about additional activities, visit the event webpage at eftguns.com. General admission tickets for the event are available for $15, but are on sale for just $10 until August 15th.

Adam Parks Participation

After meeting the Event Committee putting the event together, I felt there was an opportunity for me to help make the event the best that it could be. Branding ArcComplyARM and Secured Pixels are all participating in the days festivities as vendors, sponsors and even volunteers to help staff the event.
Branding Arc is in the process of developing a new website for our friends at Elite Firearms Training, and has donated website enhancements to offer online pre-registration, ticket sales and t-shirt sales. Branding Arc will be promoting the event through our established digital marketing channels, and will be reaching out to our clients to solicit donations.

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